Blue Crew Application Name First Last Email PhoneFacebook page link or name used on Facebook (for tagging on FB posts)What business do you represent?Are you the owner? Yes No What is your title?Will your employer allow you to attend Blue Crew events that take place during the day. Mon-Fri 8am-5pm? Yes No Why do you want to be a member of the Blue Crew?Who referred you to join the Blue Crew?Do you agree to purchase Blue Crew Merch to include Blazer, Polo and Rain Jacket. Total $155. Yes No Do you agree to attend at least 3 Blue Crew and/or Ridgefield Chamber events each month? Yes No Examples of events we support.Standard Monthly events: • RCC Coffee Connections (held every Friday 7:30-8:30am) • RCC Wine-Down Wednesdays (held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 4-6pm) • RCC Members Lunch Meeting (held on the last Tuesday of the month Jan-October 11:30am-1pm) Community Events: • Ribbon Cuttings throughout SW Washington • Big Paddle • Ridgefield October Fest • RCC National Night Out • Senior Heroes Awards • First Saturday Market • Blue Crew Concert Fundraising Crew • And other community events CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.